Why Buku? Hear from Coaches

SoCal Devils - Mike Dasch
“I love attending as many Buku lacrosse tournaments as possible. No one puts on a more competitive and affordable LAX tournament anywhere in southern California than Buku Events. With both boys and girls teams in the SoCal Devils program, Buku Events offers a "one-stop-shop" for our club. Their customer service is by far the best I have experienced in over 18 years of coaching, and all my players look forward to their events every club season.“

ACES Lacrosse - Lorne Silverstein
“Buku is running a great tournament! He [Johnny] has a great crew down here. Parking has been pretty easy, these are great fields, and we are just really happy to be here and thankful for the opportunity to Buku.”

True Lacrosse - Kyle Espejo
“This is my first time at a Buku Event and everything from the fields to the vendors they have has been awesome. This is a great spot to play some lacrosse - the field conditions are great no matter where you are. It’s hot out here in Temecula so the hydration stations they have has been good to have access for athletes to make sure we’re hydrated.”

SoCal Bulls - Kevin Cooper
“He [Johnny] does an incredible job with his events. This is a world class event. The facility has been great, the fields are great. Johnny does a great job of recruiting teams from all over the West Coast and we are just really happy to be here.”
“This is a great tournament for us to warm up and get going for the summer.”

Socal Grizzles - Sean Coe
“Johnny does a great job out here at Buku [tournaments] making sure everyone feels included, makes sure everyone feels important. The fields out here are great in Irvine, it couldn’t be better out here at Battle by the Beach.”

Victory Roughriders
“We really love the quality of the tournaments: well organized, good referees, it is a good chance to get out here, put some work in, and see how we test against other competition from the area. We love the Buku experience: from registration to getting teams online they make it easy for us coaches to get everything done.”

Team Forty Eight - Jason Anderson
“Buku runs great tournaments and [the staff] communicates well so that I can in turn communicate effectively with my coaches and families. I appreciate that!”